
Configure the Bando Widget.

Configure The Widget

With the Bando widget, you can configure the following options:

  • Preselect default product or service

  • Choose default token to buy

  • Restrict products from countries or regions

Initialize Form Values

The Bando Widget utilizes several form values to retrieve and execute routes. These include fromChain, fromToken, productId and country. Typically, these values are set through the widget's UI, but they can also be programmatically initialized and updated.

By preconfiguring these options, you can enhance the user experience by ensuring that the widget is preloaded with the appropriate chains, tokens, amounts, and addresses for a transaction. This reduces the need for manual input, guiding users through a smoother flow.

How to Initialize:

  • Widget Configuration: You can add values such as fromChain, ``fromToken, productIdorcountry` directly into the widget configuration.

  • URL Search Parameters: If the buildUrl option in the widget config is set to true, these form values can be added as URL parameters on the page where the widget is displayed.

When you set these form values via configuration or URL parameters, the corresponding form fields in the widget UI will automatically update to reflect those values.

Initialize by Config Values

The Bando Widget allows you to preconfigure default chains, products, and countries, making it easy to set up the desired parameters right from the start. Below is an example of how to configure the widget with specific default fromChain, productId, and country values.

import type { WidgetConfig } from "@bandohq/widget";
import { ChainType } from "@bandohq/widget";

const widgetConfig: WidgetConfig = {
  // set source chain to Ethereum Mainnet
  fromChain: 1,

  // from tokens (example tokens)
  fromToken: "0x1234",

  // set productId (example product)
  productId: "12345-abcde",

  // set country (example country)
  country: "USA",

export const WidgetPage = () => {
  return (
    <BandoWidget integrator="Your dApp/company name" config={widgetConfig} />

To set form values in the Bando widget using URL search parameters, you need to ensure that buildUrl is set to true in the widget config.

import type { WidgetConfig } from '@bandohq/widget';

const widgetConfig: WidgetConfig = {
  // Enable the widget to use and construct URL search params
  buildUrl: true,
You can then include URL search params when navigating to the page that features the widget:


It's important to note that this method only works during the widget's initial load. Dynamically changing the URL search params without reloading the page will not update the form values inside the widget.

Update Form Values

After the widget has initialized, there are two ways to update the form values:

  1. Using the widget config: This method allows for reactive updates by changing the config values. It requires managing these values for updates.

  2. Using the formRef: This method provides a function that allows you to programmatically update values stored in the widget's form.

Updating by Widget Config

Once the widget has loaded, you can modify the form values by updating the widget configuration. For example, to change values like fromChain and fromToken, you only need to include these values in the config. It’s recommended to also include a formUpdateKey to force the widget to recognize the update.

Here's an example configuration:

import type { WidgetConfig } from "@bandohq/widget";

const widgetConfig: WidgetConfig = {
  fromChain: 10, // Changing source chain to Optimism
  fromToken: "0x0000...", // Changing source token
  formUpdateKey: new Date().valueOf().toString(), // Generates unique key to force update

You can also reset fields to an empty state by using undefined:

const widgetConfig: WidgetConfig = {
  fromChain: undefined,
  fromToken: undefined,
  formUpdateKey: new Date().valueOf().toString(), // Force the form update

Updating by Form Ref

This method allows developers to directly modify the form values using a formRef. Here’s an example of how to do this:

import { useRef } from "react";
import { BandoWidget, FormState } from "@bandohq/widget";

export const WidgetPage = () => {
  const formRef = useRef<FormState>(null);

  const handleClick = () => {
    formRef.current?.setFieldValue("fromChain", 10, {
      setUrlSearchParam: true,

  return (
      <BandoWidget integrator="Your dApp/company name" formRef={formRef} />
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Set fromChain to Optimism</button>

In this approach, the setFieldValue function can be used to dynamically update the widget’s form values.

Last updated

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