Configure your widget to enable wallet management for Bando, allowing users to buy products and pay for services using tokens. You can connect the widget to different blockchain environments like EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), Solana, and more. Below are examples of how to integrate wallet management within your project.
We use the amazing [](Lifi Wallet Management)library to handle wallet connections and support external wallet management or our internal one if the widget wants to be stand-alone.
EVM Wallet Connection
To handle wallet connections for EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) chains in Bando, the widget leverages the Wagmi library for managing wallets and chain switching, and it also fully supports integration with Wagmi-based tools such as RainbowKit. This ensures seamless wallet interactions across various EVM networks.
If your dApp already uses Wagmi or a Wagmi-based library, the widget automatically detects when it is wrapped in WagmiProvider, allowing it to continue using the existing wallet management setup without needing further configuration.
The following example demonstrates how to set up basic wallet management using Wagmi in Bando.
import { BandoWidget } from"@bandohq/widget";import { createClient } from"viem";import { WagmiProvider, createConfig, http } from"wagmi";import { mainnet, arbitrum, optimism, scroll } from"wagmi/chains";import { injected } from"wagmi/connectors";constwagmiConfig=createConfig({// Make sure to provide the full list of chains// you would like to support in the Widget// and keep them in sync, so all functionality// like switching chains can work correctly. chains: [mainnet, arbitrum, optimism, scroll], connectors: [injected()],client({ chain }) {returncreateClient({ chain, transport:http() }); },});exportconstWidgetPage= () => {return ( <WagmiProviderconfig={wagmiConfig} reconnectOnMount> <BandoWidgetintegrator="wagmi-example" /> </WagmiProvider> );};
Sync Chains with Wagmi
To ensure all functionality, such as chain switching, works correctly, it’s important to keep the Bando widget's chain configuration synchronized with your app’s setup. This will ensure that the widget can handle all chains properly.
The way tho achieve this is by using the following hook:
Dynamic Chain Syncing: You can fetch all supported chains from the Bando API and update the chain settings dynamically. The widget includes hooks that simplify this approach.
Here's an example of how to dynamically sync chains using these provided hooks.
To manage wallet connections to SVM (Solana Virtual Machine) chains, the Bando widget integrates with the Solana Wallet Standard library. This ensures smooth interaction between your dApp and Solana-based wallets.
If you are already using the Solana Wallet Standard library in your dApp, and the widget detects that it is wrapped in the ConnectionProvider and WalletProvider, it will automatically reuse your existing wallet management setup without requiring any additional configuration.
The example below demonstrates how to set up basic wallet management for SVM using these providers.
importtype { Adapter } from"@solana/wallet-adapter-base";import { WalletAdapterNetwork } from"@solana/wallet-adapter-base";import { ConnectionProvider, WalletProvider,} from"@solana/wallet-adapter-react";import { clusterApiUrl } from"@solana/web3.js";importtype { FC, PropsWithChildren } from"react";constendpoint=clusterApiUrl(WalletAdapterNetwork.Mainnet);/** * Wallets that implement either of these standards will be available automatically. * * - Solana Mobile Stack Mobile Wallet Adapter Protocol * ( * - Solana Wallet Standard * ( * * If you wish to support a wallet that supports neither of those standards, * instantiate its legacy wallet adapter here. Common legacy adapters can be found * in the npm package `@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets`. */constwallets:Adapter[] = [];exportconstSolanaWalletProvider:FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => {return ( <ConnectionProviderendpoint={endpoint}> <WalletProviderwallets={wallets} autoConnect> {children} </WalletProvider> </ConnectionProvider> );};
To configure external wallet management in Bando, you can use additional settings for WalletConnect and Coinbase Wallet. These configurations allow for smoother integration with these wallet providers, making it easy to manage user interactions with external wallets.
Here's the interface setup:
interfaceWidgetWalletConfig {onConnect():void; walletConnect?:WalletConnectParameters; coinbase?:CoinbaseWalletParameters;}interfaceWidgetConfig {// Other configuration properties... walletConfig?:WidgetWalletConfig;}
Connect Wallet Button
For internal wallet management, when users click the Connect wallet button, it opens the internal wallet menu. In cases where external wallet management is used, the onConnect option is provided to allow developers to specify a callback function. This function is executed when the Connect wallet button is clicked.
This approach gives developers flexibility in handling both internal and external wallet connections in a seamless manner within the Bando widget.
Here’s a similar configuration adapted to Bando’s widget that uses the useConnectModal hook provided by RainbowKit to open the wallet modal when the Connect wallet button is clicked:
import { formatChain, useAvailableChains } from"@bandohq/widget";import { RainbowKitProvider, getDefaultConfig } from"@rainbow-me/rainbowkit";import { useMemo,type FC,type PropsWithChildren } from"react";importtype { Chain } from"viem";import { WagmiProvider } from"wagmi";import { mainnet } from"wagmi/chains";exportconstWalletProvider:FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => {const { chains } =useAvailableChains();constwagmiConfig=useMemo(() => {const_chains: [Chain,...Chain[]] =chains?.length? ( as [Chain,...Chain[]]): [mainnet];// Wagmi currently doesn't support updating the config after its creation,// so in order to keep the dynamic chains list updated, we need to// re-create a config every time the chains list changes.constwagmiConfig=getDefaultConfig({ appName:"Bando Widget Example", chains: _chains, projectId:"Your WalletConnect ProjectId", ssr:!chains?.length, });return wagmiConfig; }, [chains]);return ( <WagmiProviderconfig={wagmiConfig}reconnectOnMount={Boolean(chains?.length)} > <RainbowKitProvider>{children}</RainbowKitProvider> </WagmiProvider> );};
In this example, the useConnectModal hook opens the RainbowKit wallet connection modal when the Connect wallet button is clicked, allowing for seamless integration within the widget.
WallecConnect Configuration
To configure WalletConnect and Coinbase Wallet with Bando's widget, you can specify additional parameters such as projectId for WalletConnect or appName for Coinbase Wallet. These settings allow the widget to handle wallet connections seamlessly through these providers.
This example sets up the widget to connect to WalletConnect by using a specific projectId and configures the appName for Coinbase Wallet, allowing users to interact with either wallet provider through the Bando widget.